April 1, 2015


YAMANAKA, Takehiko (Senior Researcher)


Phone: +81-29-838-8183
E-mail: apple(at)affrc.go.jp


Research Activities & Interests

I'm an applied entomologist and also a quantitative ecologist. I'm mainly working on the spatially extensive and/or long term data collected in the field. The data is analyzed from the view point of basic ecology, conservation and also pest managements.

Age-structured Models for Pest Insects:
Prof. Nelson (Queen's Univ., Canada, http://post.queensu.ca/~nelsonw/People.html)
Prof. Bjørnstad (PSU, USA, http://asi23.ent.psu.edu/).

Dragonfly Databases:
Web Encyclopedia of Larval Dragonflies in Japan http://ssv190.niaes2.affrc.go.jp/dragonfly/jsp
Cellular Photo Field Surveys http://ssv190.niaes2.affrc.go.jp/Psystem2/MapShow.do

Forest Pest Outbreaks:
Constructing Population Models for PWD and OWD in Japan
Dr. Kagaya (FFPRI, http://www.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/en/)
Dr. Liebhold (USDA Forest service, http://www.sandyliebhold.com/).

Invasive Species:
Population Theory as a Weapon to Address the Issue of Invasive Species http://sites.google.com/site/popeco2010/home/symposium1
NCEAS Project http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/projects/12378

Relevant Publications